Workshops for children with SEMH

Social, Emotional and Mental Health Difficulties (SEMH) refers to a broad array of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) based on how a child or young person regulates their emotions and behaviours.

We understand that for children and young people with SEMH needs, they may exhibit inappropriate responses and feelings to situations, as well as display antisocial and/ or uncooperative behaviours.

We work with schools, as well as alternative provisions (arranged by the Local Authority) to provide Online Safety and Child Sexual Abuse workshops. Our sessions are tailored to meet the needs of children/ young persons with SEMH. We endeavour to: 

  • Use language that is simplistic to aid understanding and minimise disruptive behaviours. We understand that for some children/ young people with SEMH, they may also have Speech, Language and Communication needs (SLCN). They may not have the skills required to understand complex language. 

  • Base our sessions around a ‘No more secrets for kids’ children’s book, which explores a Child Abuse topic. The storylines use basic emotional vocabulary a typically developing 4-6-year-old would be familiar with.

  • Create a communication and emotional friendly environment. Our sessions are interactive, we facilitate the conversation, without dominating the session. During the workshop, the trainer will use a conversational style approach to extend the child/young person’s thinking, however we let the learners take the lead on how much talking they are comfortable with.

Purchase our books.

“No more secrets Simi” explores a story of a little girl who has been keeping a secret with her uncle.

No More Secrets Simi Book

“No more Secrets Isaac” aims to raise awareness on internet safety and help children identify unsafe online relationships.


Purchase our books.

“No more secrets Simi” explores a story of a little girl who has been keeping a secret with her uncle.

“No more Secrets Isaac” aims to raise awareness on internet safety.